Personal Chef
Cassidy Warren is a Personal Chef with 30yrs+ professional experience.
Former Owner/Chef, Cilantro VT
New England Culinary Institute, Montpellier
Functional Nutrition Alliance, Founded by Andrea Nakayama
A Farm to Fork supporter, aiming to make food systems fair, healthy and environmentally friendly
Food is my love language; I cook to make people feel good.
I prioritize product sourcing and a minimalistic approach
to preparation. I believe food is full of beauty and life,
my job is to highlight its beauty purely and naturally.
I choose to be a personal chef over a restauranteur because I feel strongly that the company and setting are as important as the food. If you are comfortable and happy when you eat the benefits and enjoyment of the meal increase exponentially.
So, before you eat, I ask you to take a moment, look around the table, notice the smiles, hear the hum of everyone’s energy and be grateful for the time with people you care for.